Friday, April 22, 2011

Does the News Really Matter?

The next issue of our, bi -weekly newsletter, STAT is available. You can access it here If you'd like to receive our email newsletter, you can click the "Sign up for our Email Newsletter" link on the right of this page.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Hidden Costs of Regulation

This article estimates the total cost of government regulation at $1.75Trillion/year. That is about 12% of the GDP of the U.S. and about double the federal income tax revenue. I am surprised that this is not written about more often. Federal,State,county, all adds up to a huge burden on job creators .

Friday, April 15, 2011

Too Big to Solve,Too Big to Fail

An excellent article that provides a quick overview of the fiscal problems facing our country. The author points out that this demands the type leadership we might see only rarely and it has not yet come to the fore. I keep thinking we can change the trajectory ourselves and solve the problems over some period of time ourselves...OR the bond market will solve it for us in a matter of days.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Retirement Place

This is a good overview of issues surrounding the decision of the place where you want to retire. Some couples are in harmony on where and other many miles apart as the article discusses. Since housing and other costs vary substantially from one place to another this has material impact on retirement planning .

Friday, April 8, 2011

History Lessons Revisited

The next issue of our, bi -weekly newsletter, STAT is available. You can access it here If you'd like to receive our email newsletter, you can click the "Sign up for our Email Newsletter" link on the right of this page.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Job Creators versus Big Business

This article highlights the growing gulf between small business and large business today. The grand majority of new jobs come from small businesses. Large multi-nationals are more interested in carving out special tax treatments that impact them, tax expenditures and overall rent seeking (manipulation of the political environment for economic gain). Interesting to see this laid bare in the current debate.