Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Retiring Boomers

I saw this article today on the large swath of baby boomers who will turn 65 starting next month. The absolute number (10,ooo per day) is huge and the implications for the economy equally so. Everyone by now knows the story- the boomers spent too much, saved too little and made sometimes horrific life mistakes (jobs,divorce,investments,real estate ,etc.). The article ends by saying 40% of these "retirees" plan to work until they drop. I suspect the real percentage is close to double that figure.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

44% Per Year

I saw an interview a couple days ago with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell regarding his plan to require state employees to contribute 5% (they currently contribute nothing) of their salaries towards pension costs. The most interesting part was what the annual investment returns would need to be in order for the Virginia pension system to be fully funded . The answer: 44% per year!! The S&P 500 has never achieved a 44% return in any year (37% a couple times is the closest). Obviously, you can't get there from investment returns alone. We sometimes see individuals make this same mistake, thinking that if only they could obtain a bit more return all would be fine. Usually, the math simply doesn't work.

Monday, December 20, 2010

2011 Issues

I don't like lists of predictions but this one struck me as rational and reasonable. This guy writes mainly on residential real estate issues so that is the primary focus. Down the list some are issues about state budgets and muni defaults which I suspect may be the issue for 2011. Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stimulus - the Federal/State distinction

Everyone has heard both sides argue about the efficacy of the stimulus . A couple of Stanford economists have an interesting article today in WSJ that traces the interaction between the states and the federal government on this topic. They make the case that the net is about zero.